Ashiepattle and His Goodly Crew 2/3
The second part of the thirtieth tale from Fairy Tales & Fables
When he had sailed some distance he came to a long, thin tramp, who was lying near some rocks, eating stones.
“What sort of a fellow are you, that you lie there eating stones?” asked Ashiepattle. The tramp said he was so fond of meat he could never get enough, therefore he was obliged to eat stones. And then he asked if he might go with him in the ship.
“If you want to go with us, you must make haste and get on board,” said Ashiepattle.
Yes, that he would, but he must take with him some large stones for food.
When they had sailed some distance they met one who was lying on the side of a sunny hill, sucking at a bung.
“Who are you,” said Ashiepattle, “and what is the good of lying there sucking that bung?”
“Oh, when one hasn’t got the barrel, one must be satisfied with the bung,” said the man. “I’m always so thirsty, I can never get enough beer and wine.” And then he asked for leave to go with him in the ship.
“If you want to go with me you must make haste and get on board,” said Ashiepattle.
Yes, that he would. And so he went on board and took the bung with him to allay his thirst.
When they had sailed a while again they met one who was lying with his ear to the ground, listening.
“Who are you, and what is the good of lying there on the ground listening?” said Ashiepattle.
“I’m listening to the grass, for I have such good ears that I can hear the grass growing,” said the man. And then he asked leave to go with him in the ship. Ashiepattle could not say nay to that, so he said, “If you want to go with me, you must make haste and get on board.”
Yes, the man would. And he also went on board.
When they had sailed some distance they came to one who was standing taking aim with a gun.
“Who are you, and what is the good of standing there aiming like that?” asked Ashiepattle.
So the man said, “I have such good eyes that I can hit anything, right to the end of the world.” And then he asked for leave to go with him in the ship.
“If you want to go with me, you must make haste and get on board,” said Ashiepattle.
Yes, that he would. And he went on board.
When they had sailed some distance again they came to one who was hopping and limping about on one leg, and on the other he had seven ton weights.
“Who are you,” said Ashiepattle, “and what is the good of hopping and limping about on one leg with seven ton weights on the other?”
“I am so light,” said the man, “that if I walked on both my legs I should get to the end of the world in less than five minutes.” And then he asked for leave to go with him in the ship.
“If you want to go with us, you must make haste and get on board,” said Ashiepattle.
Yes, that he would. And so he joined Ashiepattle and his crew on the ship.
When they had sailed on some distance they met one who was standing holding his hand to his mouth.
“Who are you?” said Ashiepattle, “and what is the good of standing there, holding your mouth like that?”
“Oh, I have seven summers and fifteen winters in my body,” said the man; “so I think I ought to keep my mouth shut, for if they get out all at the same time they would finish off the world altogether.” And then he asked for leave to go with him in the ship.
“If you want to go with us you must make haste and get on board,” said Ashiepattle.
Yes, that he would, and then he joined the others on the ship.
When they had sailed a long time they came to the king’s palace.
Ashiepattle went straight in to the king and said the ship stood ready in the courtyard outside; and now he wanted the princess, as the king had promised.
The king did not like this very much, for Ashiepattle did not cut a very fine figure; he was black and sooty, and the king did not care to give his daughter to such a tramp, so he told Ashiepattle that he would have to wait a little.
“But you can have her all the same, if by this time tomorrow you can empty my storehouse of three hundred barrels of meat,” said the king.
“I suppose I must try,” said Ashiepattle; “but perhaps you don’t mind my taking one of my crew with me?”
“Yes, you can do that, and take all six if you like,” said the king, for he was quite sure that even if Ashiepattle took six hundred with him, it would be impossible. So Ashiepattle took with him the one who ate stones and always hungered after meat.
When they came next morning and opened the storehouse they found he had eaten all the meat, except six small legs of mutton, one for each of his companions. Ashiepattle then went to the king and said the storehouse was empty, and he supposed he could now have the princess.
The End, Part Two